What Days and Times Does Dentist of Cerritos Offer Appointments?
Dentist of Cerritos is known for its flexible appointment times. Sometimes we can even work in patients on the same day! We also know how uncomfortable dental emergencies can be, and we prioritize patients who have them. Our friendly staff ensures that you are comfortable while receiving the care and help you need.
Is Dental Care from Dentist of Cerritos Affordable?
We accept many dental insurance plans that often help pay for dental services. In addition, Dentist of Cerritos offers affordable dental care with flexible financing and easy payment plans. Dr. Omid firmly believes that everyone has the right to cost-effective dental care, and Dentist of Cerritos does its best to meet you where you are at.
How Old Are the Patients Seen at Dentist of Cerritos?
Dentist of Cerritos is a family dentist, meaning we see patients of all ages. Young children and adults can benefit from Dr. Omid’s expert dental services. For example, Dentist of Cerritos offers pediatric dentistry, family dentistry, and emergency dentistry. Despite your age or stage in life, Dentist of Cerritos can help you boost your oral health and have the beautiful smile you have always wanted!